Don't have a lot to say about the paper I've linked to below, except that as far as I'm concerned anyone and everyone with the least amount of interest in the non-human world must - yes, must - be aware of the main points contained therein. No, it's not happy or feel good reading, but it's the reality we humans face as the unimpeded agents of change on this planet. As any good therapist will tell you, reality avoidance is generally not a good strategy for making one's way through the world. It generally does not end well - unless we can see and acknowledge the reality we've created and inherited, any solutions will be based at least partly on ignorance and fantasy. And that's not good.
The more people who see and acknowledge where we actually stand as a species inextricably tied to the planet we evolved on, and in, the more chance we have of finding some way out of the mess we've created. So take some time, prepare yourself, and read.
Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
2019 Report Policy Maker's Summary
