The question on everyone's lips and minds - where's the white stuff? Skiers slaloming in slush on Mt. Mansfield in the middle of January (according to rumor our coldest month), trees budding after weeks of almost fifty degree weather, temperatures and conditions more in line with April than.....January?
So where's the snow? It gets better - this year and last year are supposed to have been La Nina years, that is, the period of the ENSO cycle that is supposed to be significantly colder than median or El Nino years. Not anymore. Turns out 2021 was the fifth warmest year on record, 2022 was the sixth, and 2023 is predicted to be the start of an El Nino cycle with record heat and a jump in temperatures.
Why is this important? What's happening, and what noone wants to say or acknowledge, never mind admit, is that we are barrelling into a new climate regime. Winter is dying, right in front of our eyes, and as goes winter so goes a 'friendly' climate. It's happening, folks, and we're watching it in real time. Myself, I cannot escape a deep sadness over the death of winter, which most people either celebrate or won't terribly miss. Not me. Winter's death is like the death of a parent, or partner, or sibling - it's a crushing blow to anyone who has any kind of understanding of what it means to be connected, truly connected, to the land.
So goodbye, winter. I know you won't be back, not for a long, long time. You will be missed.
